
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Were you surprised when Gavin revealed the wool's debacle?

Kind of, but I've been in Let's Plays where we've said "we can't end it like that, let's try that again and pretend it's our first time." I just didn't know about that one specifically.

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Before you worked in the main room did you listen to the RT podcast, and do you listen to the myriad of podcasts that RT offers now, or any other podcasts?

I used to listen to the RT Podcast every week. Not so much once I joined RT, and hardly ever now. I don't set aside the time to watch/listen to podcasts.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Thinking about getting a VIP ticket for Let's Play Live for the Orlando show. Except it would literally be an entire paycheck. Can I have some pros and cons before the 8th and have to decide?

I can't actually tell you every perk of being a VIP, because I'm not entirely sure. All I know is there is always a meet-up after the show where you can meet everyone that participated and get your stuff signed/get photos.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

When did you start rapping? What made you want to do it?

Valerie A Lee
I wrote several songs when I was younger in the style of Linkin Park, so that was a decent start. My first try at ever writing a real "rap" was the AH Rap Battle. I had been listening to the Epic Rap Battles of History, and thought "I bet I could write something like those."

Just wondering cause I lost the tracking info for it, did AH get the box of Disney stuff in the mail like a week ago? There was a haunted mansion glass in there for you and also some dojo stuff!

It might be with the stuff we plan to open on AHWU

What are your thoughts on asmr

I don't like it. I hate it when people whisper near my ears in real life, so I don't want that happening in a video. I also hate the noises that mouths make, like lip smacking and just general wet sounding stuff, and that's all I can hear in ASMR.

Gymnastics always seemed fun to me, but as a 6 foot 3 270 pound guy it never seemed plausible.

The captain of the football team was a gymnast when I was a freshman. He was a real big dude. The parallel bars would actually bend when he was on them. But he was really good, especially at vaulting. I remember one time, he missed his footing while running towards the vault and ended up running directly into it. My coach always says it's the only time he's ever seen that extremely heavy vault get knocked over. It took four guys to set it up again.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Are there any RT productions you would like to be in at some point?

I would like to do more voice acting. It's a lot of fun getting into character as someone completely different than who you are. I also had a great time on the RT Podcast, so I'd be happy to show up there again sometime.

Are there any books that you take inspiration from or just really enjoyed in general?

I actually don't read much. I've only learned how to write properly by years and years of practice.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

What is your most and least fond memory from high school?

Both answers can be from when I broke my leg. The healing process was a horrible experience. But Kat showed up to my house one day with a giant piece of paper, and on it were notes from almost every single person in my graduating class. It was a crazy amount of people all saying they missed having me around making them laugh and sending good wishes. I think it's still in my room at my parent's house.

Me and my friends are thinking of starting a podcast, what could I do to keep it from being like al the other attempts that seem to pop up on YouTube?

Be yourselves. Don't let there be silences, but don't talk over each other. Have a good topic to talk about that's going to draw in fans of that topic. Keep your arguments civil, and don't ever assume you are just being 'edgy'

Understanding that you like "Whose line" which is your favourite performer? And why is it Colin?

Colin is absolutely incredible. I saw him and Brad at a live show a while back and it was one of the funniest shows I've ever gone to. Colin is a master of timing and just having no shame. I aspire to be like that one day.

what's your favorite part about writing Go Nitro?

Getting into the mind of the characters so I can ask myself exactly how they'd react to a situation. I feel completely different, mentally, and physically when writing for a happy character like Diego/Atomic or a more morose, angry character like Steven/Explosion. It almost writes itself when I'm in that mindset.


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