
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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What time do you show up to work at and when do you usually leave? Keep up the funny! Have liked you since you started

I'm usually the first or second to show up. I arrive between 9 and 9:30. Usually only Geoff is here before me, and sometimes Ryan. I leave whenever I'm finished with work. Anywhere between 5 and 6

Hey! I'm curious how you know somebody from Newfoundland, Canada? I live in St. John's and was very surprised to find that you had a collaboration with someone all the way out here.

Spencer just messaged me after I released several of the Epic Rap Battles saying he was interested in helping. Ever since then we just wrote all our music together.
Liked by: Jack Keenan Jordan

So you finally admit it?! You admit you're Rays replacement?! /s In all honesty I love you for you and I love Ray for being who is, my question is did you have hard time picking a new GT or was JDoolz your first choice?

I went for every variation of Lil J first. None were available, so JDoolz was my second choice.

what is the one achievement you were most proud of getting? (im sorry if this has been asked before)

It has, but I don't know if I have an actual achievement in mind for this one. Lone wolfing Halo 4 on Legendary is probably up there


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