
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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So how did you come up with imaginary achievements? If this has been answered a couple thousand times already I apologize,

I completed Far Cry 3 and didn't want to stop playing it. So I released a TTD video with a fake achievement in it, and then pitched the series idea to Caleb a few months later
Liked by: Benjamin Gau Jake Steve

what type of character do you play in fallout? good, bad, stealth strength melee big guns small energy etc? also favorite weapon?

Usually stealth. And often times I'll play two games. The first as a good guy and the second as a bad guy. Usually the game is much easier if you're a good guy. Favorite weapon is the Terrible Shotgun or Lincoln's Repeater

Hey man, I just finished playing Fallout New Vegas with all the dlcs (only played it back when dead money was released) and i was gonna ask if you had a fav DLC for it? Personally i liked the lonesome road alot. It was a mindfuck, kinda made you rethink your characters decisions and such

I'd probably agree with you on that one. The DLCs were all good, but none were amazing

Would you expect Achievement Hunter to keep expanding or start to dwindle now that Ray has moved on

Definitely keep expanding. AH is going to keep evolving with time. I personally think Ray leaving might shake things up in AH enough to give it some new life and get it back to the exciting way it used to be. Change is often times a really good thing. People should just wait, see, and not worry.

What do you think of Reddit users who believe they know best for Ray and tell him he made a mistake pursuing streaming?

I think they're concerned for Ray, but also in denial about what he's choosing to do, and maybe trying to make him rethink it. But Ray isn't an idiot. He knows what he's doing and he's an extremely talented entertainer. This is what will make him happy, and people will eventually accept that. Furthermore, he left RT on very good terms. Still friends with everyone. So if the streaming thing doesn't work out (and I truly hope it works out for him), he knows he still has a home at RT.

do you think you could do a Kerbal Space Program Lets Play with Team building exercise Focused a lot like your lets play on your personal channel with a race to space via space plane?

I've thought about doing Kerbal, but I don't know if the videos will be as good as the ones on my old channel. Not that the guys here I'd be in the video with aren't hilarious. It's just Andrew and I had the perfect chemistry for that video. One really smart and experienced guy, and one stupid new guy. We never finished that plane race because it just wasn't as funny as the first few episodes, so we decided to call it quits on the series.
Liked by: Benjamin Gau

As E3 gets closer and closer, is your hype growing for the Bethesda panel? fingers crossed for a new elder scrolls myself

I don't want to get too hyped, because I don't want to be disappointed. Really I'm hoping for Fallout 4, or any of the Fallout/Elder Scrolls games to get a remastered edition for the new consoles. I would buy those instantly and immediately start livestreaming the whole thing.

Who is your biggest inspiration within the company? Outside of the company?

Inside would probably be Ray or Barbara. They came from the community and became some of the most loved people at RT. I hope I can get there one day. Outside would probably be Scott Robison (Mr. Sark). I try my best to be as funny as him, and the amount of work he puts into editing his videos is awesome. Wish we did more videos like that in AH. Also the fact that he's been doing what he loves for so long gives me high hopes for the future.

how was it going from being a fan to working at the company? we're you ever star-struck and is everyone what you thought they would be? also any advice for people whose dream it is to work at rt? is it possible or should the focus be elsewhere? You're awesome btw glad you're a member of AH.

Being a fan still hasn't worn off. I still get a very overwhelming feeling when I'm sitting on the podcast set for a Game Night or something. I got star-struck for a long time. Like a month or so after I started working, I went out to get lunch with Joel and was just riding around in his car, and it kind of hit me that he was one of my heroes for so long. If it's your dream to work at AH, just don't give up on it. Make an effort to get noticed by making content and being involved on the site and at events. RT will definitely notice you. It's absolutely possible so long as you don't quit.


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