
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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opinion of Rays use of the word 'Yolo' and Jacks use of the word 'IMDB'? Personally I find it very offensive.

To assume "you only live once" is very offensive to buddhists who truly believe in reincarnation. And relating IMDB to Jack after he only said it a few times is bullying. Kids are going to start telling people to go to IMDB now. It's a real problem.

Do you think we'll ever be able to see the actual RT staff in an episode of "Epic Rap Battles of Roosterteeth"? c:

Very doubtful. Besides, there's another episode of that coming soon, and it will be the last one. There may be more raps in the future, but this is the last 'battle' episode. We don't want to step on anyone's toes by parodying ERB of History too much.

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Why is it ridiculous (if it's okay for me to ask, you don't have to answer this!)?

It is okay for you to ask, but I don't want to go into this any further. Achievement Hunter is comedy for an adult audience, which means obviously we're going to offend people. Every single adult comedy show in history has, from the Simpsons, to South Park, to SNL. And they've been flooded by people telling them they're offensive... yet are still loved for their content because it's edgy and you never know what's coming. The moment we start censoring ourselves, and have to think about everything we say before we say it, is when AH starts to lose was made it so great, which is friends playing games with each other. I've given my opinion. So this is the last you'll hear from me on this subject.

I don't know why, but I never bought Madden 2009 for the 360 when it came out. Yesterday, I went to Gamestop, and I was looking through the "under $10 games" and saw it for $0.99! I bought that so fast omg

You can get a lot of games for 99 cents at Gamestop. Look for Darkvoid, Fracture, and Darksector. Picked those up for really cheap a while ago and they were both pretty good. Not fantastic, but good.

You have to be one of my biggest inspirations. I have always loved video games and wanted to record them. My friends and I are all very animated when we play, and I never really went for it. But seeing how you made it to AH and all just inspired me to try it. Any wisdom to share on the topic?

Don't start "trying" until after you've finished recording. While the recording is happening, just be yourself talking to your friends. Don't try to be funny, just do what you always do. It makes the videos 10 times better.

So what are the origins of Rimmy Tim?

Haha. Rimmy Tim was the name I gave to my Zer0 character in Borderlands 2. Since he's built to hurt enemies at low health and basically "steal" kills, he became infamous with my friends. After that I used that name in every game that allows you to name your character. Whenever that would happen my friends would all yell something like "Some Tims are gunna get rimmed!" or "The rimmiest of Tims returns!" Decided to carry the name over to AH


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