
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Hello! If we have fanart to send to you and the other Rooster Teeth guys, where would we send them? I know we gotta send them TO Rooster Teeth, but I never found out where the new studio IS. Cuz I have some awesome presents and I realy want you guys to have them but with no address its kinda hard D:

Not sure if I can go posting that address on here. So I would say to email Barbara or send her a message on the site. She'll send that info your way, and she's very quick when it comes to responding.

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I love the fact that you take the time to answer a lot of these questions thoroughly so thank you for that. :) <3 What's your advice for someone who wants to start making CH videos? Also congratulations on getting your dream job!

My advice is to pick up a capture card, grab a friend, pick a game you enjoy, and just get to it. It doesn't matter how old the game is, as long as you have fun recording and editing the video. Also check out the Community FAQ videos on the AHCommunityVids channel, as they can give you some good starting points for the tech you'll need.

Jeremy: 1) youre fucking rad and you should know it, and 2) how do you get inspired to make such amazing stuff all the time? I am constantly blown away by your work and it inspires me to make great things. how did you get so good?

In terms of Minecraft... I'm actually not great at it. I've never made any big builds before being hired. But getting ideas is just as hard. While last week's things to do wasn't great, just imagine someone leaning over to you and saying "I think we can make Foosball in Minecraft." It sounds ridiculous, but you have to go for it. In terms of other videos, just always be yourself on camera. Act like you're talking to your best friends and make sure to genuinely enjoy what you're watching, and you'll make great content every time. People like watching other happy excited people. If you don't want to make the video, it's going to come across.

How are you enjoying all of the interaction with your new fans on here? Is being thrust into the role of an achievement hunter a bit overwhelming?

I absolutely love interacting with the fans and the community. I've always been a community fan, and I try to still be as involved as I can. If I can respond to some genuine criticism, I'll go for it, or if I can go to some community event, I'll do my best to be there. And it is extremely overwhelming. Like my followers on twitter went from around 200 to 5000 in about a week after they hired me. That's a lot of new eyes watching me. But I'm convinced if I just act like myself, rather than changing anything to get people to like me, I'll do just fine.

Your answer to the "pet peeve" question got to me. I have depression, and tend to be pessimistic. Do people like me, who are very negative due to depression, bother/irk you?

Not exactly the same thing. I understand depression (as I actually battled it for a few years as well). While I have a pet peeve when people seem to see the glass half-empty for no reason, it never changes my view of that person. I guess in reality, it just saddens me that they aren't as happy as they could be. For me, it's more like if I was complaining about some aspect of my job. It's like "I have my dream job, it's not worth being upset about this thing."

How did you get started making vids? Like what made you wanna start?

Just watching guides and Let's Plays from the AH guys. I thought to myself, "These guys are funny... I think me and my friends are funny when we make videos... maybe I should start recording." Kat bought me a capture card for my birthday one year and I started making Let's Plays on my own channel and guides for CH.

I'm sorry to bug you, but I wanted to tell you that I love the let's build you're in with Lindsay, Kdin, and Matt! And then I wanted to ask how many like really big builds you have planned? Thank you for reading!

There's two builds currently in production that are absolutely massive. One is Legends of the Hidden Temple, which has probably four Let's Build episodes recorded, but is only about 30% done. The other will be out in about a month and also 30% done. Matt always has plans for huge maps and I usually have to talk him back a bit.

Here's a time machine. Go back in time two years and tell your younger self that in two years he'll be working for RoosterTeeth. How does he react?

It's like telling someone that in two years, their life goal will be achieved. Two year ago Jeremy was just as much a fanboy as I am now. I still have moments where I'm in the AH office, or going to lunch with Joel and just think to myself "I never thought I'd be here with these people I've watched and respect so much."

This may seem insignificant -- I bet it pales in comparison to the sheer amount of messages like this you get each day. But honestly, I want to thank you for being one of the people who give me a reason to smile. It means more than I can say. I hope you have a wonderful day!

Listen. I read every message that comes to me, and pretty much every comment. No matter how many messages I get, every time I hear that I made someone smile, laugh, or just helped brighten their day, it makes me so unbelievably happy. Making people laugh and smile is what I live for. It's my passion, and it's what I've wanted to do with my life for as long as I can remember. So knowing I made you smile just put a smile on my face as well.

Who's your biggest influence? And who's your favorite voice actor?

Honestly, my biggest influence is my Dad. He's not at all related to what I'm doing now, but he's the funniest man I know. Without him I definitely wouldn't have my sense of humor, which helps a lot with this job. And I'm a big fan of Billy West. His ability to change his entire persona is just incredible.

Will we get to see more of you in How To:'s and perhaps other videos? Do you also know if there are any plans for you working on other productions such as RWBY or RVB as a voice actor?

I'll definitely be in more How To's in the near future, as well as Let's Builds and such. I'll also be in a few other new AH productions coming soon. As for voice acting, a lot of people here know I enjoy it, so I wouldn't say it's impossible.

How have you dealt with all the negative comments you and the rest of Team Build Exercise get?

We spend a lot of time laughing about them. We don't deny stuff has gone wrong, but at the same time, we took some risks and they didn't pay off. Oh well. We like to take little shots at people claiming we don't test stuff. Like if you look at the Megacraft intros for the past 3 weeks, the first words in the three yellow texts spell "It's Always Tested."


Language: English