
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Is it true that you have to go to a Texas University to intern at Roosterteeth? I want to be a writer/work in the live action department of RT, but I live in New York though, so is it worth the risk to transfer colleges just for the opportunity to internship there? Sorry, idk who else to ask

Honest answer. I wouldn't. Finish your time in New York. Perfect your skills. Put a reel together. A gegt involved in the community. You'll get noticed. Never ever move somewhere in the hopes of getting a job without first being sure you are getting the job. Bad bad move.

I know you and the "build crew" get a lot of shit, but I want you to know that you guys are great, and Let's Builds are a highlight of my week. Now that the cheesy, but genuine, appreciation stuff is out of the way, what is your favorite game on Xbox One?

I was a big fan of Titanfall when it started. I'd probably go with Farcry 4. It wasn't exactly long, but it was a ton of fun. MCC is close behind because of the nostalgia.

Thoughts on the new Game Kids channel? Do you think it will be successful?

It's been in the works for years. Caleb and Trevor are very capable of running it, and I think if it successfully reaches its demographic, it will be a huge hit. But you know what? There are a lot of people, not just little kids, who really seem to enjoy the content on there. So who know? Could be a massive part of RT soon.

Did you ever break a bone while doing gymnastics? Or just doing something stupid?

Gymnastics injured me a lot. I got a concussion, broke my ring finger, bruised a disc in my back, tore all the ligaments in my left hand, and partially tore my right bicep. Not to mention all the skin it rips off your hands over the years. For broken bones, though, I broke my left leg (tibia and fibula) while playing football and still have a titanium rod running from my knee to my ankle. The doctors at my local hospital knew me by name after a certain point. Eventually they stopped writing me letters to give to my coach saying I couldn't compete, because I'd never deliver them. When I broke my ring finger, it was while I was warming up for a meet. Didn't tell me coach until after I had finished both my routines. My finger still doesn't look right.

Whoaaa! Now I have like a million questions about working with special needs children. I won't bug you with them all but can you share any good stories? Also, you're incredible! I'm kinda inspired. Lol

One of the boys was playing around with a cylindrical mat we have to help teach kids to do handsprings. While I was talking to him I put him on the mat standing up and was telling him to try and balance there. He managed to do so with no help and never looked like he was going to fall. Everyone else in the camp was amazed and started clapping for him. Really showed what he was capable of.

The fact that you worked with kids with autism is totally amazing! After I finish my Music Education degree I want to take some classes to try to get a special education certificate! So that leads me to my question; Where did you work with children with autism and what did you coach them in?

I was a gymnastics coach at a summer camp for seven years. The last two I worked there, I managed the other counselors and ran all the camp activities. It was such a difficult sport. I was amazed at what some of the kids were willing to try and managed to accomplish. It made people skeptical that children with autism would be able to do the same things as the other kids, but I knew they could with the right help. By the end of the week, one of the boys was very familiar with every kind of jump, how to use a springboard, how to swing and turn on the highbar, and even doing some inverted tricks on the rings. It was amazing. It's the one job I had that I really really miss. Just remember that working with special needs children isn't easy, but it's extremely rewarding. And once you understand them, it's just like being with any other kid.

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I came here because people on tumblr are freaking out about you saying something. Only to find out they are cutting apart what you said to make you sound bad. You don't have to really answer this but i think you're great, and next time I see a post about you I'll try to make sure it is accurate.

The internet can say whatever they like. I voiced my opinion about offensive things said on offensive shows. All I know is that there are a bunch of kids with austism that I volunteered to coach for years because they were some of the greatest, strongest, and most inspiring kids I ever met. If someone thinks I don't care about a certain group of people because of an edgy word on an adult program, then I don't really think I'm the one being intolerant. I'll let my actions speak about who I am and be happy with that.


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